Game On: Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn (Part 23)


What if I told you there were enemies on horseback who could attack and then run away? Every turn? And there’s several dozen of them? Would you be sad?

After thoroughly enjoying Fire Emblem Awakening, the ATB crew tackles another game in the series (and one that can actually be recorded with the setup we have): Fire Emblem – Radiant Dawn. Chris and Shaun are taking on the entire game in this playthrough, living with the consequences as they go. If characters die, they die FOREVERSZ.

Have a game you want to see us suffer through play next? Let us know in the comments or by sending us an email. Now that this is a series, we’ve created its own page, which you can see here. It’ll list all the games we’ve done so far and what might be coming next.

It’s time to live or die on the battlefield. Game on.

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