Game On: Super Metroid (Part 5)


Shaun and Chris descend into the depths of Planet Zebes as they guide Samus through one of the greatest adventures of all-time: Super Metroid.

This is Part 5 of our full playthrough of the SNES classic. In this chapter: The Speed Boost makes Samus faster than Usain Bolt, the Ice Beam opens up a world of possibility, and technical difficulties threaten to destroy us all. We are taking on the entire game in this playthrough. No, not a 100% playthrough — Zero Suit Samus pretty much ruined any incentive to beat this game quickly.

Have a game you want to see us suffer through play next? Let us know in the comments or by sending us an email. Now that this is a series, we’ve created its own page, which you can see here. It’ll list all the games we’ve done so far and what might be coming next.

It’s time to bring peace back to the galaxy. Game on.

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